Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Thanks to Debbie and Mike Willis, who are doing an inspiring job documenting turtle and oil related activity. Please check out their website and take a peak at the great videos and photos they have posted: http://www.turtle-hatching.com/

While I will (obviously) continue to share my personal experience with the oil and its effects, here is the site for official daily updates: http://www.thebeachfacts.com/

Go Lucy Go! Lucy Buffett, owner of Lulu's at Homeport Marina (my wonderful place of employment) and local celebrity in her own right, spent the afternoon with a crew from CBS on Sunday (they were GREAT, HAPPY customers and I loved serving them). She is working hard to keep a positive vibe around town, and it's doing a lot of good: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/06/28/earlyshow/main6626540.shtml

I finally found some resources for those of you looking to donate. Please research carefully and make sure you're donating to a program that will do good NOW! http://www1.networkforgood.org/gulf-coast-oil-spill I also saw a flyer from the Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo calling for dish soap, bleach, towels, etc, to aide the wildlife recovery process. If that floats your boat, give them a call and ask how you can help. FYI they are also asking for volunteers and donors to help make handmade hair boom! http://www.alabamagulfcoastzoo.org/

For those looking to volunteer, I know it has been more or less impossible so far. Check out these links and see if any developments have come about...I feel like we're getting closer as we find our stride in this clean up process. http://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/wilderness-resources/stories/army-of-volunteers-needed-for-gulf-oil-spill-cleanup

1 comment:

monamoon said...

Thanks Meli. my heart weeps with you.